The nesting software ncNest delivers an effective nesting result when creating coils, also telling you the optimum coil width. This lets you order only the best-suited materials, and use them effectively.
ncNest is a solution for job quotation and planning as well as coil nesting. With considerations such as material cost by width, the software will create the required coil nests as efficiently as possible, and let you know the best coil width to use. The material utilization percentage, width, and lead-in length as well as the part count are calculated for you (for coils up to 100m long).

Advantages Of The ncNest Coil Module:
- Optimal material utilization.
- Use minimum possible material.
- Minimize material costs.
- Two similar parts can be manually pair-nested to use space more effectively.
- Min. und max. coil width input possible, with accompanying calculations.
- Save nesting results as a PDF file.
- Material utilization given as a percentage of the whole.
- Part count calculated over up to a 100m Coil.